Welcome to the Houston Kitchen Garden Club

Know what to plant, how to tend, and what to harvest and enjoy each month in your Houston garden



Don't believe us when we say the Houston garden is non-stop? Grab our free Houston Four Seasons Calendar and see for yourself.

Would you like to

successfully grow some delicious and organic food in your garden?

know the step by step for planting and tending your plants each month in Houston?  

stop wasting money on plants that die or seeds that never sprout?

learn from a professional that's helped hundreds of others just like you?

be part of a growing community that's making Houston the Kitchen Garden Center of the US?

Sound awesome? Join the Houston Kitchen Garden Club

Monthly video classes from Nicole Burke of Rooted Garden, Q & A sessions, and membership in a private & growing community where you will..

Learn What to Plant Each Month

The first lesson each month will help you know what vegetables and herbs should be planted that season. And Nicole will give you the step by step on how to put it into the ground to ensure success.

Know How to Tend

Getting plants in the ground is only the first step. Your second monthly lesson teaches you how to tend your plants that month based on Houston's unique weather.

Get Ready to Harvest

Your third lesson each month details how to know when to harvest your plants, which vegetables you should pick the most, and then inspires you with some dishes you can create to use your garden harvests to the fullest.

Avoid Frustration & Guesswork

Gardening in Houston can be tough. Because of our unique conditions and climate, gardening here can be a mystery. But Rooted Garden has helped hundreds of gardeners find success and we guarantee it for you too.

The Houston Kitchen Garden Club is a Member Community

For only $10 a month, you'll have access to Nicole's new monthly teaching on what to plant, how to tend, and what to harvest for that particular month in Houston. It's all the lessons we've learned in all of our gardens and Nicole's sharing them with you.


Hi!  I'm Nicole Burke and I'm just like you. 

Well, you might be a little more normal than me.  But, the point is-I'm a busy mom and wife, a business owner, and a complete laundry avoider.  

The one unique thing about me?  I'm on this mission to get everyone in Houston gardening.  

After learning all the lessons in our own backyard garden, I started Rooted Garden, a kitchen garden business in Houston, TX.  

By serving more than 250 clients and installing more than 100 kitchen gardens, I've learned a lot about the unique challenges and wins of gardening in Houston.  

I've learned how to time it right, how our seasons are unlike anywhere else, how to protect your garden against frustrations, and how to make the most of every harvest.  

And I'm excited to help you do the very same thing.  


Rooted Garden has served over 250 clients in Houston, installed nearly 100 kitchen gardens and maintains nearly 50 on a regular basis.  We know what works & what doesn't and we're sharing that with you inside the Houston Kitchen Garden Club.    



The kitchen garden is Houston is non-stop.  With its warm days, plentiful rain, little threat of frost and sunshine for days and days, your backyard Houston garden can be overflowing twelve months out of the year.  And the Houston Kitchen Garden Club ensures you don't miss a thing.  

Let's Garden Together in Houston

Avoid the frustration and guesswork and always know the steps to create a beautiful and productive kitchen garden

FAQ's About Houston Kitchen Garden Club

Each month, you'll receive a new set of lessons so you know what to plant, tend, and harvest that month in your Houston kitchen garden. The lessons are taught personally by Nicole Burke, Owner of Rooted Garden with loads of photos directly from our Houston gardens.  She'll clearly outline the step by step for each month so there's no more Googling or guessing.  

Every month, you'll be charged $10 for your Club membership.  You can cancel anytime before your upcoming billing date.   As long as you remain an active member, you'll have access to each month's teaching on the essentials of your Houston Kitchen Garden.    

Your membership gives you access to the Four Seasons Guide to the Houston Kitchen Garden as well as each month's specific lessons.  

At the start of each month, you'll receive a package of three detailed lessons (each about 10 to 15 minutes in length).  

Lesson 1 covers what to PLANT.

Lesson 2 covers how to TEND.

Lesson 3 covers what to HARVEST.

Each month's lessons are unique and special to that month in Houston and taught based on our experience in hundreds of Houston gardens.  

You can cancel your membership any time before the next billing cycle by emailing [email protected].  Once you've been billed for that month, there are no refunds but you can cancel before your billing date whenever you'd like.  You'll be charged for your membership every 30 days, just as you receive the next month's teaching.  If you're not completely satisfied with your membership, just let us know.  We guarantee everything we do.  

Get our free Houston Four Seasons Calendar

Don't leave without grabbing our FREE resource that tells you what to grow in each of Houston's four unique seasons.  

Here's to Growing Together!

Can't wait to have you in the Club


50% Complete

Don't Miss a Season

Be sure you know the four unique seasons in the Houston garden.  Hint-they're not like the rest of the country!